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Domestic Solitude in Early Modern Britain

The social distancing resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged us to seek new ways to socialise and communicate with our friends, colleagues, and loved ones. From online catchups for…


The Unexpected Solace of Lockdown

One striking feature of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the number of people who have expressed pleasure in the solitariness of lockdown. ‘Solitude’ in our society is usually equated with…


A Torment Not Threatened in Hell Itself

…us today, as we self-isolate to protect ourselves from Covid 19. Of course many of us are not living alone but in households, sometimes very crowded ones, as we long…


There’s Something About Elephants

…where I want to be. Out in the open, in the sun-soaked dusty heat, where COVID-19, and the misery accompanying it, belongs to a different world, one that doesn’t exist,…


Pubs, Parks, Strangers and Strangeness

…life in the time of COVID-19. Work For someone whose job revolves around very solitary practices of reading and writing, one might imagine that a lockdown should be a time…


Undocumented Solitudes

…like that. You look left and right and everybody has the same thing. ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) UK‘ by Tim Dennell. CC BY-NC 2.0. I’m not talking to anyone. You go on…


Fence Me In

…my own response to Covid-19, like so many others I have returned to literature that responds to past pandemics. American writer William Maxwell’s second book, They Came like Swallows (1937),…


Final Blog: Who are we with when we are alone?

…that reach deep into people’s psychic lives, especially during experiences of bereavement and grief. Recent years, with the Covid 19 pandemic, have made such experiences all too common, especially in…